Spill Tech

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+353 47 38967 | +353 87 2888391


A Natural Solution for Contamination

Bioremediation is a groundbreaking approach to addressing contamination, utilizing the power of aerobic and anaerobic bacteria to dissolve pollutants naturally. Unlike traditional methods that involve invasive digging, bioremediation offers a non-intrusive alternative, making it a faster, more cost-effective, and environmentally-friendly solution.

How Bioremediation Works:

Bacterial Action

Accidental leaks or overflows from home heating oil tanks can result in significant damage to your property. Our team is equipped to handle these spills swiftly and effectively, minimizing further damage and restoring your peace of mind.

Natural Dissolution

Spills from vehicles or equipment can leave unsightly stains on your driveway, posing safety hazards and detracting from your property’s appearance. We specialize in removing these stains and restoring the cleanliness of your driveway.

Borehole Identification

Whether it’s a spill in your basement, garage, or interior living space, our team has the expertise and resources to clean up oil spills inside your home. We work diligently to ensure that your property is thoroughly cleaned and free from any lingering odors or contaminants.


Frequently Asked Questions

A reputable specialist company should be capable of responding promptly to an oil spill incident, initiating the cleanup process without delay. At Spilltech Environmental Ltd, we prioritize swift action and aim to issue a comprehensive report quickly to facilitate efficient cleanup operations.

Yes. Bioremediation is a natural method of removing oil and contamination as it uses biological functions to remove the oil, fuel, and odours. This is a safer and less invasive method of removing oil from a property.

The duration of an oil spill cleanup project can vary depending on factors such as the extent of contamination and site-specific conditions. However, in most cases, the cleanup project can be completed within a relatively short timeframe of 6 to 8 weeks, minimizing disruption to the affected area.

Trust Bioremediation for Effective Contamination Cleanup

At Spilltech Environmental Ltd, we specialize in bioremediation as a safe, efficient, and eco-friendly method for addressing contamination issues. Our team is trained and equipped to implement bioremediation techniques to restore cleanliness and safety to your property while minimizing environmental impact. Contact us today to learn more about how bioremediation can benefit your contamination cleanup needs.


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Expert Oil Cleanup Solutions

Have a question or need assistance with oil spill cleanup? Don’t hesitate to reach out to us. Here’s how you can contact Spilltech Environmental Ltd:

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