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SpillRemed Marine 55G (208L)

SpillRemed Marine 55G (208L)


Product Details

SpillRemed (Marine)® is included in the National Contingency Product list of the U.S. EPA as a bioremediation agent for in situ treatment of open water oil spills and for shoreline cleanup and is effective on weathered oil. This product can be introduced at any time in the life cycle of an oil spill and is effective on small spills as well as larger spills and, thus, can be used as a do-it-yourself solution by small boat and marina operators as well as for large scale cleanup operations in open water marine spills.

SpillRemed (Marine)® is non-toxic and is not harmful to marine life, and it has been found to be an excellent pre-treatment agent for oiled birds. A license has been issued by the California State Fish and Wildlife Agency for use of SpillRemed (Marine) for open water oil spills.

* Disclaimer: SpillRemed is on the US EPA’s NCP Product Schedule. This listing does not mean that EPA approves, recommends, licenses, certifies or authorises the use of SpillRemed (Marine) on an oil discharge. This listing means only that data have been submitted to the US EPA as required by subpart J of the National Contingency Plan 40 CFR Section 300.915

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